
Next Degree Reality

Project date: 2023

Type: student mini-competition 120 Hours

Tutor: Egor Orlov

Authors: Valeria Titova and Kristina Peshkova

Institute: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Course: 3

Far far away, in a distant two-dimensional world, where all objects and beings live only in two dimensions - height and width, there lived a simple two-dimensional man. He was an ordinary inhabitant of this world, and his life was subject to strict rules and principles.

In this world, everything moved only horizontally or vertically, and there were no exceptions. The man also followed these rules, and could not even imagine that it was possible to move differently. He had no way to walk straight because gravity did not exist in this world that could pull him to the ground. Each inhabitant had a name that consisted of two numbers, a X-axis and an Y-axis coordinates. All objects, houses, events, and memories also had such names. Buildings in this world consisted of lines and looked the same.

However, one day, a man started dreaming. He wondered if there was a 3D world. What does it look like? The man started fantasizing so much that he didn't notice how he accidentally separated from his flat world. He felt his body become three-dimensional and begin to move in three dimensions. The man was shocked and scared, but at the same time he was filled with curiosity. He decided to explore the new three-dimensional world that opened up before him.

When the man found himself in the three-dimensional world, he saw that everything around him became alive and real. Trees swayed in the wind, birds flew in the sky and people walked around him. The man realized that now he could move as he wished, and the world became much more interesting and diverse.

The man decided to build a house that could bring these two worlds together. There you could walk on the ceiling and walls. Some of his rooms were transparent and you could see people moving around there. Its shape was constantly changing and the plan, facade and cut were mixed up.