
Matter of thought


Project date: 2023

Type: student mini-competition 120 Hours

Tutor: Egor Orlov

Author: Olesya Onoprienko

Institute: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Course: 3

Diploma: Honorable mention. Student mini-competition 120 Hours

What if the architectural thought is turned into material?

So, what does an architect think about in general? Let's take a look.

"How to embody my ideas into constructive forms? How to create a harmonious combination of functionality and aesthetics?" - the architect's thinking combines intuition and rationality... yes, it’s to find unique and attractive solutions.

#00 Now, let's imagine that this thinking became a space.

#4D What is the form of rational thought? Orderliness and organization. Structured zoning, clear forms and levels receding into the perspective. At first sight, quite strict, but when immersed, one feels a combination of lightness and confidence.

#2D What does his intuitive thinking resemble? Here the ground seems to slip from under your feet. Multi-level, almost hovering space with moving platforms. Here ideas arise and merge. The multiplicity of paths leads to delight. This is the place of his experiments and unexpected concepts.

#4B And what if we descend into the depths of his consciousness? So... a little deeper. Oh, it seems we can no longer understand where we came from. It is definitely a very personal place. The seductive depth attracts from all sides. I'm not sure we will return soon...